About Psy-zo!
Everything you need to know about your treatment (download)
Information for foreigners
Psy-zo! is specialized in the treatment of trauma and bad experiences.
Referral general practitioner (GP)
Psy-zo! can treat foreigners residing in the Netherlands temporarily (e.g. for study). It is important that:
1. You contact your insurance company to be sure that they cover mental health treatment.
2. You have a referral letter from your GP before you contact Psy-zo!
If you have not yet registered with a GP, you can go to this GP for example.
There are three different options that may apply to you:
1) You have a policy with a Dutch insurance company, the invoice will be sent directly to your insurer.
2) You are a resident of a country with which the Netherlands has a treaty, see the list. Psy-zo! sends the invoice on paper, attached with the referral letter from the GP and a copy of the European Health Insurance Card* to the Dutch insurance company Achmea (Zilveren Kruis, Groep Buitenlands Recht, Postbus 650, 7300 AR APELDOORN / gbr@zilverenkruis.nl). Achmea will pay the invoice directly to Psy-zo! and contacts your insurance company to collect the invoice.
*European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You can take this card to the first appointment.
3) If the above options do not apply to you then the bill will be sent to you. You must pay it yourself and then submit to your insurance company yourself. We do not know the conditions of foreign insurers and do not know if they reimburse treatment.
Street: Zernikepark 12
ZIP code: 9747 AN
City: Groningen
Country: The Netherlands
Telephone: (0031)-50-7502088
E-mail: info@psy-zo.nl
Openinghours during working days: 09.00-17.00 h.
Make an appointment
After you’ve been to the GP and have verified the compensation conditions, you can sign up using the form below. Thereafter you will be invited by one of our therapists for an initial appointment.
Registration form
AON insurance
1. The student/client ascertains the possibilities of reimbursed Basic Mental Health Care (9 sessions) or Specialist Mental Health Care by AON Student Insurance. Contact AON-Lead Claims Handler Mr. Anthony Madsahri, T. 010 – 4488246 | Anthony.madsahri@aon.nl
2. The student/client of AON discusses the problems with his/her General Practioner (GP) which possibly leads to a referral letter for Basic Mental Healthcare (9 sessions) or Specialist Mental Health Care.
3. The student/client sends this referral letter and relevant information to the medical advisor of AON.
4. When the medical advisor agrees, he sends a AON-permission letter to the student/client.
5. Student/client sends the AON-permission letter and referral letter of GP to Psy-zo! After that, please sign in with the registrationform below.
6. After the therapy is finished Psy-zo! will send the invoice directly to AON:
Aon I Consulting l International People Mobility
P.O. Box 1005
3000 BA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t: +31 (0)10 448 82 30